
Alias: Mukky
Skill: Graphic Designer and Artist
Mukky's World is an art and design project I've created to express my skills in the y2k design space. My art focuses on clean vector designs mixed with photography and photo manipulation. I've been working freelance since 2022, and I founded the art collective known as Kaybug Kollective with some of my fellow artists.
Some more personal info, I'm a 23 year old trans girlie using she/her pronouns. Some of my favourite games are: Dark Souls 3, Hypnospace Outlaw, and Metal Gear Solid 2! You'll find me most days working on websmithing, making digital art, or playing games. I also have the funny haha ADHD neurospicy brain, but that's never stopped me from doing what I love. One day I'll write a manifesto about what I believe in.
My dream is to one day make a living off doing the things I love, and supporting others along the way.
I also create the occational YouTube video on my channel Mukky's World where I mostly talk about games I enjoy and my expereinces playing them.
Contact Me
For website or business related inquiries, contact my email address at:
if you wanna catch me on the 'cord (Discord), my username is: mukky
I'm also active on the Kaybug Kollective Discord server!