Mukky's Manifesto
What even is a manifesto anyway? Who cares?!
You've stumbled upon my secret manifesto... well, it's not that secret anyway. Take this button and link back to my home page! As a reward!
Since writing this manifesto I've made the link to it more publicly accessable, it's no longer a secret page! You are still welcome to take the button though!

It's unique to this page, so if I see it out in the wild I'll know you're apart of the cool web club :3
Anyway, lets get to the meat of this
Art is meant to be seen, art is meant to be viewed, art is for everyone
I'm not saying artists shouldn't be compensated for their work, I'd love to make a living doing this stuff.
I'm saying it shouldn't be gatekept.
Yes, there's art out there that's not meant to be seen by everyone, for artistic reasons, see; City. And then there's entire works of art inaccessable because of greed. And that sucks.
Everything I ever create will be viewable for free in some form or another. On my feeds, my gallery, on the streets, public bathroom stalls, wherever. Prints and stickers are a great way of supporting your fellow artist, and get something cool in return, if they have them available.
No style is owned by anyone, ever.
A group of people I worked for thought they could claim a style. They badmouthed "competition" behind the scenes, and I didn't like it. It was hard to speak out at the time.
Then they went public about it
Whoops! People don't like it when you diss other artists! They were trying to be subtle, but it came off as so bitter. So underhanded. I was so pissed. My name was attached to these people and they're badmouthing another artist? Hell no. Don't fuck with my fellow artists. I left that company, turns out they weren't good people at all behind the scenes! Slander, abuse, all sorts.
So! What did this make me wanna do? It made me wanna say something I've always believed.
Copy my art, and then show me!
I make what I like, so if you copy my style, you're only bringing more of what I like into this world!
But it's not just my style. It's all of em! If you like a style and wanna try it out, don't let anyone stop you.
Part Two: Make a web space!.
You don't need to spend money on these things. neocities is free! Host your web space there.
Everyone needs a space on the web. Reclaim the digital land they think they can keep from you!
You don't need to know much HTML or CSS to get started, and when you do, resources are a-plenty. It's easy to learn, even my ADHD-ass can learn it.
Because it's yours. Your own. It doesn't need to be top of the line, it needs to be yours.
And it is!!

You could upload your photos too!
It's so cool. It's easy, and it's fun!
and look you can even make it do cool stuff like this (it might take a moment to pop up!)
Okay you get the idea. I think it's important to have your own space.
Keep it anon too, if you want!
Just make a space that is yours. Your own. Free from the oversight and ownership of some fuckoff company that doesn't give a shit about you, or your interests.
You deserve it.
Don't let anyone, ever, tell you that the internet isn't free. If you've found this page, you likely know there's others out there doing these kinds of things. They're here to help you!
When I get told by people who loved my art started to create their own art because they were inspired, I feel a world of happiness explode within me. Every time.
So remember;
And finally,
You are loved. Know this.
someday I might update this manifesto